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Preventing workplace injuries: The Role Of Work Injury Physiotherapy

Workplace injuries can have a significant impact on an individual's life, both physically and financially. According to the International Labour Organization, approximately 2.78 million fatal and non-fatal workplace injuries occur globally each year. If you want to know more about the workplace injury physiotherapy services, you may consult Vertex physiotherapy & performance center in Edmonton.

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What is Work Injury Physiotherapy?

Work injury physiotherapy involves the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of workplace injuries. It focuses on the rehabilitation of injured workers and aims to improve their physical function and quality of life.

The Importance of Work Injury Physiotherapy in Preventing Workplace Injuries

Work injury physiotherapy can help prevent workplace injuries by identifying and addressing potential hazards and ergonomic issues in the workplace. By addressing these issues, work injury physiotherapists can help reduce the risk of workplace injuries and improve employee health and safety.

The Benefits of Work Injury Physiotherapy for Employees

Work injury physiotherapy can benefit employees in several ways. It can help improve their physical function and quality of life, reduce their pain and discomfort, and prevent future injuries.

The Benefits of Work Injury Physiotherapy for Employers

Work injury physiotherapy can benefit employers in several ways. It can help reduce the number of workplace injuries, resulting in lower workers' compensation costs and reduced absenteeism.


Workplace injuries can have a significant impact on an individual's life and financial stability. Work injury physiotherapy can play a crucial role in preventing workplace injuries by identifying and addressing potential hazards and ergonomic issues in the workplace.