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Benefits of Metal and Slate Roofing

You've known for a long time that your home may need a bit of a makeover, and it makes sense to start at the top and work your way down. Plus, fair weather is approaching and the rainy season is coming up. It makes sense to move towards a new roof. While shingles have always been the most popular choice for roofing material, more and more homeowners are considering metal and slate roofing.

Before making an important decision about the price of this type of roof, as well as its advantages and disadvantages, you should leave the decision to the experts. Your contractor is an invaluable source of information when making decisions. He could get a pretty good idea of the benefits of a slate roof.

In fact, many roofing specialists can now offer all of their green roofing options and outline costs and energy-efficient structures for each type of material. Slates are popular green roofing materials for many reasons. One of the main reasons is that they are completely natural and abundant.

As roofing materials, slate and metal are popular because they can look classic, elegant, and beautiful. These materials can be shaped, styled, printed, colored, and stamped to give a roofing look that complements your home. In fact, it doesn't matter if you are trying to live greener or not, no one can deny that one of the benefits of metal and slate roofing is energy efficiency.

Research has shown that homeowners can save up to 40 percent on their cooling energy bills with this type of roof. This circumstance alone largely compensates for the higher initial costs for a slate or metal roof.