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Using Science To Support Chinese Medicine In Australia

Although Chinese medicine has been used as an experimental approach for more than 5,000 years, western scientific evidence continues to question whether this is a logical approach to aid medicine.

If you are interested in Chinese medicine but still not sure if it works, you can look at various studies that have helped others conclude its effects. You can navigate to sitcm to get more details about Chinese medicine in Australia.

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Chinese medicine practices are considered highly effective and sometimes provide palliative effectiveness when Western best practices fail, especially with common ailments such as influenza and allergies, and succeed in avoiding the toxicity of some chemically formulated drugs.

The science most talked about between the East and the West is the medicinal use of acupuncture. According to the results of medical research, it is widely believed to be safe. So far, research has not yielded any conclusions about whether acupuncture can be considered a science.

At the same time, research shows that the use of meridians in acupuncture is effective in medicine. Also, the researchers say that because the treatment is safe, it can be used and further research should be easy to carry out.

Additional research is needed to identify additional areas where acupuncture interventions are useful.