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Public adjusters

A Battle Between Public Adjusters And Insurance Companies

Public Adjusters (PA), have been extremely successful in helping policyholders collect all they are entitled to. The insurance companies are not happy with this success rate. Different states are facing a significant battle over the business practices of Public Adjusters.

Insurance companies hate it when a policyholder hires a claims representative to prepare his claim. This is similar to the IRS being mad at taxpayers who have their taxes prepared and filed by an accountant. If you also want to consult a professional public adjuster then you can contact Aurora public adjusters online at Allcityadjusting.

Public Adjuster

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Insurance policy benefits include immediate board-up, mitigation, living expenses, and emergency board-up for insureds who have suffered damage. This kind of assistance is needed immediately by the insureds, and not 30 days later after the storm passed away.

A building contractor can solicit business immediately after a storm, provided there is no law. The same applies to a roofer, tree-removal company, and a debris hauler. PAs should not be subject to any restrictions. In tax season, there is no restriction on accountants. There are no restrictions for Personal Injury lawyers after an accident.

Also, think about this. In hot weather, hurricanes can occur. Mold damages quickly develop from water damage. If mold is not treated within 30 days, it can make a building completely unusable and may even require demolition.