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landscape and paving contractors

Things A Professional Landscape Architect Wants You To Know

A landscaping architect is different from a landscape designer, according to all accounts. They are experts in the transformation of your office or residential outdoor space in a way that expresses your outlook and makes a bold statement about your lifestyle.

They can help you with everything from decking and pool design, to garden design and Custom Patio Design ideas. But they also have some expectations. These are the things you should know but are too polite to speak loudly. It's time to put on your gloves.

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Your children will grow faster than weeds, and more quickly than you think. It is difficult to see how the future will look in five to ten years. Your children will likely do enough to make you reconsider the design of your garden before you are able to envision it.

Contrary to popular belief, artificial grass is not superior to organic grass. Synthetic turf is less maintenance than organic grass, but it does not lack it. However, landscaping professionals want to let you know that synthetic turf is more costly and is also more toxic to the environment. It radiates heat more than it absorbs. You'd do more harm than good.

Mulch is mulch, nothing can replace it. It is a fact. You might think otherwise. You might think otherwise, don't you? This is the thing that residential landscaping architects fear most.

Although gravels are not likely to be blown away by wind, it can still cause damage if you slip. You haven't even thought about that! Mulchs are a great choice for walkways and around the pool.

Let your hopes of finding a fountain go. It is not only too costly, but also meaningless. Don't spend a lot of money unless you absolutely have to.