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The Dental Veneer Implant Procedure In Melbourne

A dental veneer may also be known as a porcelain veneer or a porcelain laminate is a custom-made covering that is usually bonded to the front of the tooth surface to improve appearance. It is usually made of thin porcelain or polymers and covers the tooth to change the color, size, or shape of the tooth. 

In addition to changing the appearance, premium dental veneers in Melbourne can also be used to protect the tooth surface that has been damaged.

A porcelain dental veneer is more resistant to staining and also looks much more like natural teeth than those made from resins, which are typically thinner and require less work before placement. Your dentist will help you determine the best type of veneer for your situation.

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You can a dental veneer for a solution in a number of different cases including:

• Where the tooth surface has been worn down or discolored

• Teeth with a large amount of filling can become unsightly and can be covered with a porcelain veneer.

• Worn, broken or chipped teeth can be covered with porcelain dental veneers.

• Gaps between teeth or misaligned teeth can be filled with veneers.

It usually takes at least 3 trips to the dentist to get a dental veneer. The first trip will be for a consultation, and subsequent trips will include custom fabrication and veneer bonding. During the initial consultation, your dentist may recommend or ask about your need for a veneer. She will explain the procedure and discuss the pros and cons.

The procedure may also involve taking x-rays of the teeth, along with dental impressions of the upper and lower jaw. To prepare the veneer, a small amount of enamel will be removed from the surface of the tooth. The enamel will be used by the dental laboratory to create your veneer.

Before the veneer is bonded to the tooth surface, your dentist will ensure a proper fit by trimming and shaping the veneer, until it matches the tooth as closely as possible. The tooth will be polished and etched to ensure a good bonding surface. The shade of the veneer can also be adjusted with the correct color of dental cement.

When the veneer is properly placed, light of a special wavelength is applied to activate the curing of the cement. After bonding the veneer to the tooth surface, the final step will be to remove excess cement and make sure the bite is properly aligned.