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Signs and Symptoms of Anal Fissure

Although anal fissures may not be as well-known as hemorhoids, they are very common and affect nearly 25 million people each year. Anal fissures can be healed by seeking treatment early. This starts with knowing what signs to look out for.

It is important to keep track of your symptoms if you have anal fissure. This will allow you to get the treatment you need. You must recognize the symptoms of an anal fissure to do this.

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What Are The Cause And Symptoms Of Fissure?

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Anal pain after and during bowel movements is one of the most common signs. This pain may last several hours after a bowel movement.

You may also experience the following signs and symptoms:

  • An obvious tear in your anus
  • Bleeding after or during bowel movements
  • You feel a burning or itching sensation around your anus
  • An anus skin tag (small lump) is located near your anus.
  • Anal fissure symptoms are similar to those experienced with a symptomatic hemorhoid. People often confuse the symptoms and delay treatment. This can lead to their fissure getting worse or continuing.
  • Sometimes bleeding can also be an indication of more serious medical conditions. To ensure you are receiving the best care, schedule an appointment with your doctor.

The treatment of anal fissures

With a few lifestyle changes and some TLC, anal fissures are easy to resolve. First, make sure you are not suffering from another medical condition.