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How to Groom Your Exhaust System?

If your exhaust system is clogged and looks rusted, there are some cleaning measures you can take and have it looking almost as good as new. The exhaust system that can be cleaned however has to be mildly rusty. Deep rusts can cause the surface to have small holes. the exhaust system via like ford falcon xr6 exhaust need proper maintenance.

Typical Exhaust System model used in passenger cars and its components |  Download Scientific Diagram

These holes not only cause inefficiency in the system by leaking out gases, but can also leak gas into the passenger’s compartment which is a health hazard for the passengers.

Cleaning the exhaust system regularly is important as it will save you the expense of having it cleaned in the garage or even worse, replace it. Before you clean, make sure the exhaust pipes are not disposable. You may be cleaning a system that is better off disposed than maintained.

Cleaning can easily be done at home by use of easily available tools like your dish washing soap, steel wool and old towels or fabrics. Here is the procedure:

First, you need to wipe off the soot using a dry towel. This removes the dry soot covering the pipes and the muffler.Then mix some detergent in warm water and wet a towel. Gently wipe the outside of your muffler and the pipes. For the stains, you may use baking powder mixed with water.

Dip some rug into the mixture and scrub off the dirt. This will remove some persistent stains that didn’t come off by use the dish washing soap. Actually, why not dip an old toothbrush into the mixture of baking soda and scrub off the more stubborn stains.