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Various Type of Australia Visa

A visa is a government-sanctioned permit to enter, stay, and exit a country granted to foreign nationals who wish to visit the concerned country. The Australian Government has to Provide the visa application every for countries who want to visit. You can easily get the Australia eta visa via

Visa in Australia are legally classified as follows –

Instant Tourist Visa

This visa is issued by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection for a period of 3, 6, and 12 months. Tenure of visas depending on the type of the visit. Instant Tourist Visa is generally given to visitors who bear the sole purpose of business or come as tourists.

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It is necessary for visitors to hold a valid passport and is often provided by the Australian ETA, which stands for Electronic Travel Authority. ETA visa electronically connects with passports of visitors for the duration of a fixed time. Thus immigration authorities, provided with prior knowledge of a visitor's visa status.

Transit Visa

This visa is provided to tourists who regularly use a travel visa like transportation, in the case of a layover, or if the visitor wishes to join the merchant navy in the country. Transportation visas are usually only allowed for a period of about 72 hours.