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Using Essential Oils For Healing Your Skin

The use of organic and natural ingredients now became a healthy trend. Skincare is no exception, as more and more girls come to understand that the purity of what they apply to their skin is as important as what they eat.

The skin is the largest organ and is generally impervious to the chemical agents found in it. This is particularly important in wound healing, as the skin can break and become more sensitive. Enter essential oils; Drugs derived from vigorous plants used for years to treat skin conditions, enhance beauty, and promote health. If you are looking to buy organic olive oil online, you can check this website out.

For example, organic sunflower oil derived from sunflower plants and can be used as a skincare oil.

The oil is very useful for the regeneration of skin that has suffered an accident or surgery, or that its signs are left in the form of keloids, acne or other scars. Certain essential oil blends can speed healing time, reduce or eliminate scarring from recent wounds, and even greatly reduce the appearance of old ones.

What are essential oils? Uses and side effects

There are some major essential oils used in skincare that offer their antimicrobial properties; its oil can be used in low concentrations, and is generally well-tolerated, more than many synthetic components.

The most significant of them may be Helichrysum italicum, also called eternal oil. This beautiful oil distilled from the daisy flowers of the herb. It has a lovely earthy aroma and, despite the obvious expense, works in very low concentrations (a few drops per tablespoon of the total mix). Helichrysum is strongly anti-inflammatory and contains powerful regenerative molecules exclusive to this oil only.