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Thumb sucking guard

Important To Stop Your Child Thumb Sucking

The picture of a sleeping kid with his thumb in the mouth can be one of the sweetest things you can ever see. But when this kid grows up and suffers from this habit, it can be a bit disturbing.

By about four years of age, children should give up the habit of sucking their thumb. However, in some cases, children get to the age of six when the urge to slip the thumb in the mouth is not old enough for them. You can also purchase thumb sucking guard from Amazon Australia website by clicking at:

(Age 2-7) STOP Thumb Sucking – stop FINGER Sucking – The Hand Stopper thumb guard

Find ways to help calm your kid apart from sucking the thumb. This can happen through the use of a favorite stuffed animal or toy.

Add bitter fluid to the kid's thumb. Once you have spoken to the kid and told that thumb sucking is a bad habit, tell them to learn how to stop it. The bitter fluid remaining on the kid's thumb will serve as the target they should reach. However, many experts consider it a harsh method.

Wait for the kid to get some kind of inspiration and use it to stop the habit. Engage the kid in more activities, which will require them to use all their hands. This will help to distract the kid from this habit. The longer and more fun the activities are, the less they think about sucking on the thumb.

Be patient with the kid. It is discouraged to try and convincingly stop a kid's thumb-sucking habits before they are ready to stop on their own.