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seawall construction

Function Of Rock Revetment Wall

Rock revetment wall construction must be planned and designed to be safe from forces that have the potential to cause structural failure. In principle, the retaining wall accepts forces in the form of rolling moments, own gravity, lateral soil/active water, sliding, sloping, and uplifting.

Thus, the steadiness of a revetment wall installation must be designed appropriately so that it can withstand these forces. If it is not built upon a strong foundation and suitable techniques, your retaining wall construction will easily deteriorate.

Retaining walls in civil construction practices have many types. It depends on the applications and the cases that will be used such as to withstand soil pressure on the slope, embankment, basement construction, retention pond, water dam construction, sediment transport barrier on rivers, etc.

Basically, the retaining wall has three major functions, namely;

a. Resisting the lateral pressure of the active soil that can potentially cause lateral destructions of the land such as landslides.

b. Resists lateral water pressure which can potentially cause lateral collapse due to large water pressure.

c. Preventing the occurrence of lateral water seepage processes caused by the condition of high groundwater levels. In this case, it also functions in the dewatering process, namely by cutting the flow of water and the ground.

Hence, the revetment retaining wall construction serves to hold and strengthen slopes or cliffs and to protect coastal areas or river banks from scouring rivers and waves.