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primary care doctors

Finding a Primary Care Physician in Charlotte

It is vital that the doctor-patient relationship be maintained. You trust your doctor with your health and place your life in the hands of your physician. If you are suffering from a condition that requires the attention of a specialist, you may not be able to go directly to this professional without first visiting a general practitioner and receiving a referral.

You will be required to select a primary physician by many insurance companies. It is important that you choose the best direct primary care doctors in Charlotte, NC. Insurance companies will only cover you if you visit a doctor who is approved by them. You should compile a list of doctors who are affiliated with your insurance agency.

You can narrow down your list to the doctors closest to you. It is hard to predict when you might need to visit the doctor's office so it is important to locate one near you. Friends can give suggestions and let you know if they have been to any primary care doctors, or PCPs.

After narrowing down your search to two or three doctors, call their offices. Ask about their availability and if they offer night or weekend care. You should ensure that the office is spotless, that the staff is friendly, and that you feel at ease in the waiting area.

You can make an appointment to meet with the doctor at the office. It is a good idea to meet your PCP and ask any questions you might have. This will give you an idea of the way your doctor communicates.