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Introduction on Indoor Plants we Should be Aware of

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Plants that are capable of growing and surviving under extreme conditions while requiring very little water and light are known as indoor plants. Indoor plants come in various sizes and types where each type has its own version of cleaning and growing. For example; one indoor plant will require little light for its growth while another will require more. Here are a few things we can learn and understand about indoor plants.

Based on Qualities –

  1. Foliage – A healthy indoor plant will have a thick foliage which is a condition of being healthy.
  2. Root System – If you see healthy and strong root system, then you are seeing a healthy indoor plant. For instance; if the root of an indoor plant is light in color, then it is a clear indication of the plant being healthy.
  3. Disease – Similar to humans and animals, plants too are known to catch diseases. If you see a plant which is giving bad odor, has sticky residue, surface has dots, then the plant is poor and has many diseases.

Based on Types – Some of the popular indoor plants include the following.

  1. Peace Lily – With the capability of growing well under low light and moist soil condition is the peace lily.
  2. Dracaena – If you love long green leaves, then you should probably give consideration to dracaena.
  3. Philodendron – If you don’t want to be bothered by presence of insects and flies, then go for philodendron.

Learn more on indoor plants by getting indoor plant for hire.