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kids care dental

Know About Invisalign Clear Aligners

Invisalign and Invisalign Teen can be the type of treatment for adults and teenagers who are afraid of traditional metal braces.

Invisible orthodontics, such as Invisalign, is a form of treatment that could straighten the teeth with clear, removable aligners. This is generally a more popular pick among teens and adults because the treatment could go virtually unnoticed.

Patients may remove the aligners to eat, brush and floss with ease. Also, they can be comfortable to wear, since the patient doesn't have brackets and wires getting in the way. You can visit Oahu’s Most Referred Pediatric Dentists at KidShine Hawaii online

Lingual brackets could give a patient efficient, effective tooth movement while being the only truly invisible option of braces on the market. No one will notice the patient is under the care of an orthodontist unless they are told.


Once the braces are removed, the patient can be fitted for a retainer. Retainers may be worn full-time until the orthodontist says otherwise. Retainers should be cleaned every day and kept in a case when not in the mouth. It is important to take care of the retainer because replacement may be expensive.

Usually, treatment time can range from one to three years. This time frame could change depending on the growth of the patient's mouth and the severity of their dental problem. Patients could respond differently to orthodontic treatment, so the time they are in braces can differ from the original estimate.

In order to get the most effective treatment possible, it is important to follow the directions of the orthodontist. This may be anywhere from the placement of brackets to the wear of the retainer after treatment.