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human resources compliance training

What Role Does the Human Resources Manager Play?

A company's workforce is one of the most important resources available to them, making the HR manager's role critical to the overall functioning and well-being of the company. 

Duties usually include hiring, managing, HR Services compliance training, Policies, and procedure development, and, if necessary, termination of employment. Equally important is the human resource manager's role in ensuring that companies comply with federal, state, and local labor laws.

To fulfill this responsibility, HR managers must maintain accurate records in addition to various other job management tasks. 

Computer technologies, such as recruitment tracking software and the use of candidate tracking systems, have made records and workflows less time-consuming and error-free, making it easier to comply with labor laws while leveraging the talents and skills of the workforce.

Information management and recruitment, leadership that meets labor law compliance objectives require sound management of information at every step of the employee-company relationship. Management of this information begins with recruitment.

Diversity in the workplace and the avoidance of discrimination – or even its occurrence – in employment should be part of any hiring plan. This should not take long or be difficult to achieve. 

In fact, using available tools such as recruitment tracking software and robust candidate tracking systems can be an inexpensive way to achieve diversity and compliance goals.