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greenhouse computers

Precision Growing With Greenhouse Automation

The more accurate you can control your greenhouse, the better your plants grow. Your productivity depends on a balance between all the processes in your business. Achieving an optimal balance means higher yields, lower use of nutrients and better crop quality.

You also reduce the risk of disease and damage crops. Use greenhouse enviroment control computers or the climate manager and you can preserve water and supplies, which benefits both the atmosphere and your expenses! Reason enough to focus on achieving an optimal balance.

To create the ideal growing conditions, all processes must be linked and tailored to perfection. A greenhouse gives the ideal environment to do so. All the variables that affect the growth can be monitored and adjusted to create the right climate for your plants. To create the perfect growing circumstances, it is very important that all systems work together smoothly. The intelligent controller provides just that. This is the heart of all the basic operations and adjustments.

More and more systems are connected and more intelligent controllers to operate, the better the process you achieve an optimal balance.But as you know, the perfect growing conditions do not stop at the greenhouse climate itself. Irrigation, light, CO2 and nutrient levels; all these aspects contribute to the perfect plant growth.