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Food Photography

Tips and Techniques About Food Photography

Photography consists of various genres that are very interesting to learn, especially for people who are true -really like to take pictures and take extraordinary moments that decisive in a person's life. Food is one of the most extraordinary photography subjects because everyone cannot live without eating.

Apart from a food photographer, food shoots usually involve several people.  If you are a beginner of food photographer, here are some tips for making your image realistic that can make people's mouths flush just by looking at it. You can choose the best food photography at

1. Photos from different perspectives

Images taken from a normal angle, 45 degrees slope, or directly above, tend to be mediocre that can sometimes make it boring. Try to take pictures at a lower angle, giving a little height to food that will make it very clear for target customers.

2. Make it tight

To cut tightly, the photo is important for subjects taken at close range, especially when taking pictures of food. The small features of food must be captured in reality, which is why pruning is done to make it more attractive and tempting. Cutting the image will make the image bigger, and give a little recognition to the texture and color of the food.

3. Don't overdo it

Overdoing your photo with props will not help you and the food. You must remember to keep it simple and tighten it in connection with the use of props. It is important to only use the appropriate one and focus on the main subject, which is food.

These are just a few tips for you to consider when photographing food. You can also use a little oil to add luster to food and make it look hot and steamy, like something fresh from the oven.