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Thumb Sucking and Teething: Should Parents be Concerned?

Thumb sucking is a normal habit that stems from a baby's natural instinct to suck. At some point an infant may discover their thumb and start sucking it. It starts out as being a normal thing, but can lead to issues, as the child gets older.

It is important not to encourage your child to suck on their thumb, though some children grow out of this habit, many do not and start to rely on the thumb sucking to quell emotional issues. You can click over here to know more about the thumb sucking device.

Most babies stop thumb sucking themselves. Some stop at an early age, while others are much later. Many parents are concerned that thumb sucking at a later age is a sign of emotional immaturity or lack of confidence. Studies have shown that this is not the case; only when parents had a problem, it was affected emotionally or psychologically child.

It can weaken the habit of thumb sucking, to distract her when the thumb is observed in the mouth. Get involved in something that uses both hands. You can also purchase commercial products that can be applied on their thumbs. They are harmless, but have an unpleasant taste.

Not too worry from habit of sucking the thumb of his sn. All children do at some point in their lives and all children stop at some point in their life. Soon this habit seems like a long faded memory.