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Applications of Excel For Business Intelligence

Microsoft Excel spreadsheet applications have been around for years now and utilized by a large percentage of businesses. Over the years it has improved functionality and the interface was changed. You can also hire an excel spreadsheet specialist online to get the best business solutions. 

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It is a fact that Excel is so ubiquitous that way it is the possible application of Business Intelligence widest use today, the problem is that managers who use it as a data repository, without really understanding how it can be used to make information and knowledge and therefore 'Business Intelligence'.

Business Intelligence is the process of changing the business data into information and then transform information into knowledge. This is done through a series of repetitive inventions, which in turn changes the knowledge into intelligence.

Putting it another way Business Intelligence is a process to increase the competitive advantage of a business by using business data in an intelligent way when making decisions.

It is a sad fact that not all businesses using BI, although they may have the capability of data and may even get some intelligence from it. What they do have is the process of converting this data and information into knowledge, and finally with intelligence. Intelligence about their own company and the way they do business.

Therefore, a problem for those who are looking to provide businesses with the right Business Intelligence is not possible to fight with Excel. No instead they have to train users on how to get the best from the existing Excel system.