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Eureka therapeutics

Alternative Liver Cancer Treatment – 2 New Methods

The liver is a human organ present in vertebrates. The liver is responsible for various functions that need to be performed in our body. In addition to protein synthesis and detoxification, the liver also produces biochemical substances that are good for digestion. The heart is very important for humans. 

The liver is mainly composed of a combination of several tissues. Cancerous growths in liver tissue are called liver cancer. Liver cancer is considered one of the deadliest diseases. People with this disease barely survive more than a year. The latest liver cancer resources help the patients to recover easily. 

The main causes of this disease are considered to be alcohol consumption, excessive consumption of drugs and drugs. Surgery and chemotherapy are considered the main treatment options for this disease. However, today there are many alternative treatments for liver cancer.

Proton beam therapy: Proton beam therapy is based on the concept of directing an increased number of proton beams to a specific local area or affected area. Solid tumors can also be treated with proton beam therapy. To perform this treatment, the patient is generally placed in a cast so that the patient can remain in the same position during each session.

Acupressure: Acupressure is a traditional treatment method that has long been used in Asian countries. Nowadays, even western countries have started to adopt this practice after research found it useful. The concept of acupressure is to focus on the causes of disease, not the direct causes of disease. Instead of just treating liver cancer, acupressure finds the cause and cures it.