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environmental management

Types Of Environmental Infrastructure Management

Environmental Infrastructure Management (EIM) is the stewardship of natural resources, ecosystems, and the environment in order to ensure their sustainable use. EIM encompasses a range of activities that help manage environmental resources, such as land planning and zoning, permitting and compliance, waste management and recycling, green infrastructure development, and water resource management. You can refer to to learn how  environmental services are cost-effective, advancing a common goal for our clients, to be good stewards of the environment.


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The environmental stewardship field has been growing rapidly over the last few years as more and more businesses become aware of the importance of taking care of our planet. In order to make the most efficient use of our natural resources, it is important to have an effective environmental infrastructure management program in place. 

One type is environmental remediation, which involves cleaning up or removing pollution from an environment. Environmental remediation can be expensive and time-consuming, but it can be necessary to clean up sites that have been damaged by pollution or hazardous materials. 

Another type of environmental infrastructure management is environmental protection. Environmental protection aims to keep the environment healthy and safe by limiting the amount of pollution and hazardous materials that enters the environment. Environmental protection can involve many different measures, such as regulation of businesses, enforcement of laws, and education about environmental issues. 

Environmental infrastructure management also includes environmental restoration. Environmental restoration refers to the process of restoring an environment that has been damaged by pollution or hazardous materials. Restoration can involve removing the pollution or hazardous materials, repairing damage done to the environment, and restoring natural resources.