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drone inspections perth

Rules Drone Pilots Must Follow

 estate drone photography in Perth real


Flying a drone is always a fun experience whether it’s for fun or serious work. Flying enthusiasts are responsible to make the drone industry popular. When it comes to flying a drone, professionals too can make mistakes. If you’re new to the drone industry, then these are some of the rules you should follow whenever you fly your drone.

  1. Make sure to Learn on a Simulator – The moment the drone reaches your doorstep, you may be excited to start flying asap. However, if you don’t have any experience, then consider learning to fly on a simulator. Learning on a simulator helps you to understand the mechanics of flying a drone.  
  2. Make sure to Keep Extra Batteries – Drone batteries are known to last for a shorter period of time. In such instances, you should consider having 2 to 3 extra batteries helping you to capture the photos and videos you need.
  3. Make sure to Change FPS Settings – If your aim is to offer the best cinematic footage, then ensure to change the settings of the camera to 24fps. 30fps is another option you have.
  4. Make sure to be aware of the Interference of Electronic Magnets – The drone will lose its signal if it is flying close to electromagnetic interference. Moreover, the drone may not stay stable while hovering in the air. This can lead to accidents. Therefore, ensure to check for K-index measurement helping you to understand the presence of electromagnetic interferences.

Follow these rules and you are bound to offer the best services when it comes to real estate drone photography in Perth.