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defense attorney clearwater

Tips For Choosing The Best Criminal Defense Attorney

Choosing the wrong attorney to defend you in criminal proceedings can be detrimental to your future. Here are three tips for comparing the strengths of criminal defense attorneys.

Tip #1: Compare experiences

Years of practice. There is a big difference in the type of representation you can expect from an attorney with one year of experience versus an attorney with decades of experience. Experienced lawyers draw on previous legal experience to quickly adapt to new situations. You can also search online to find out how defense attorneys work.

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Experience. Long-term practice is important, but make sure the experience is within the geographic range of your experience.

• Experience on the topic. There are more than a hundred areas of legal practice, each with hundreds or thousands of laws and procedures unique to that field. Narrow your choices to those who are criminal lawyers only.

Tip 2: Compare principles and styles

These qualities are more difficult to measure objectively but are important to the success of your attorney-client relationship. As for the policies and communication style of a criminal defense attorney, consider the following:

• Active participation in the case. It's hard to get a solid defense without the personal and direct focus of a criminal defense attorney throughout your case. 

Choose an attorney who will remain actively involved and in close communication until the case is resolved.