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Concierge Security Guard Services

What To Look For In Concierge Security Guard Services

A good security guard should combine the roles of receptionist and security guard. This requires an adequate understanding of communication, a commitment to excellence in presentation, and increased situational awareness. 

Access control:

The security guard is usually located at the reception of the building, right next to the entrance. Most often in office buildings, one or more security guards at the reception have a basic obligation to control access. Ordinary employees usually have access cards to scan. When guests arrive for a meeting, the concierge security is responsible for screening them at the front desk. In a central high-rise office building, security guards rely more on their authorized participant database and tracking system. 

Important Job Skills for Concierges

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In a smaller room, the security guard can find out all the relevant people entering and leaving the building. Sometimes security may need to escort someone out of the building, for example after a terrible resignation. In these rare cases, our employees have the sensitivity and instinct to get the person out quietly and effectively with minimal disruption.

In safer facilities such as museums or government buildings, you will often have to go through scanners and metal detectors in your bag. If guards see suspicious activity, they are authorized to evict people from the building. Ranger has experience with a number of access control protocols and can easily adapt them to your building's needs.