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Why Drink Lipton Green Tea?

In addition to water, tea is by far the most commonly consumed drink around the globe and there are a number of reasons for its popularity. A single of the loved varieties of tea is green tea. There are numerous reasons that make it so popular. am a fan of this drink.

Green tea is delicious and there are many kinds of green tea. The main difference between different teas is how much oxidation leaves are exposed. Lipton green chai isn't oxidized so the enzymes present found in the tea leaf aren't exposed to oxygen throughout the air. Green tea is available in a variety of varieties and blends and is a popular beverage in every nation and in every culture. 

Originally created in China but the popularity and appeal of green tea spread to Asia, India and the west. Green tea is a distinctive mild flavor that is loved by many tea drinkers around the globe and is a favorite since the tea first became popular more than five thousand years ago.It is among the five most popular varieties of tea that is loved by even the least experienced tea drinker. 

In the second place loose leaf tea is among the most important ingredients of tea tradition. The finest quality tea is loose and high-quality loose tea has increased in popularity over the past few times. Green tea drinkers love rituals of preparation and ceremonies that enhance the experience of drinking tea. Whole leaf tea is the base for tea ceremonies across China and Japan and, when properly served tea, can provide the perfect way to relax following a long and stressful day.