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Chestnut Hill

Why Dental Care Is Important For Your Children

According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, nearly half of American children will suffer from dental caries before reaching the second year. 

This disturbing statistic serves as a reminder of the importance of regular dental examinations and appropriate home dental care for children of all ages. If you are facing any kind of dental problem then you can schedule an appointment with a dentist at Chestnut Hill Dental Associates.

The American Dental Association recommends regular dental visits as of 1 year. The first visit of a child to the dentist can be as important for parents as for the child. 

Not only does this first appointment give the child a chance to become comfortable with the dentist, but he also offers parents the opportunity to become familiar with preventive dental care, including instructions on the brushing technique. 

Teeth, information on good food, and tips on sealants and fluoride treatments.

Home Dental Care for a child begins even before the first tooth appears. Protect against the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth, the American Academy of Family Physicians recommends gently wipe the baby gums with a soft damp cloth after each diet. 

Keeping clean baby gums will provide a healthy environment for baby teeth, which usually start in about 6 months.

Regular brushing should begin as soon as the first tooth appears. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentists recommends brushing at least twice a day with a sweet children's toothbrush and non-fluorinated toothpaste. 

Three years old, age children usually have all their baby's teeth. At this point, daily dental silk at bedtime must begin and a small amount of fluoride toothpaste must be introduced. 

As children age, they can take a more active part in their dental care – even brushing their own teeth – but parental supervision is recommended to ensure that brushing and dental floss are properly made.