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business meeting planning

Planning Tips For Meetings In The Matrix

Meeting complaints are common. The complaints about meetings are well-known: they are too long, inefficient, expensive, and eat up employee time. Meetings have always been difficult to ensure productive meetings. However, matrixed environments today, where people are brought together from different countries, functions, and departments, require special planning. These are some tips to consider:

What are you looking for in a meeting? 

A meeting should be initiated with a goal in mind. A result could be a decision, plan, analysis, next steps, or any combination thereof. If the update is important, it's not enough to get people in a meeting. However, to get reliable top meeting planning services contact Cataline today!.

Effective Meeting Planning

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Who is invited? 

Consider who should be there once you have a clear idea of the outcome you want from the meeting. Consider the aspect of the project that is being dealt with if it involves matrixed relationships. Who is responsible, accountable, and has the expertise? How important are time differences? Are there people who should not be invited but should be informed about the outcomes of the meeting? This is a good time to start planning for communication after the meeting.

Make the agenda and decide what work will be done. 

Participants will need to think about what they will discuss before they come in or call into this meeting. If necessary, you can ask for input. Importantly, let people know what the agenda is ahead of time. You may need to do any pre-work to make the most of your meeting time. This could include reviewing survey results, compiling data for presentations, and reviewing proposals.