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boot camp fitness training

What Is Boot Camp Training

Staying healthy is something that everyone wants to do, but your normal gym exercise can't only get boring after a period of time, it does not always supply the challenge that some people today need so as to stay motivated. That's perhaps one of the reasons that fitness boot camps are becoming more popular in recent years.

What is bootcamp training? 

Fitness boot camps are a form of outdoor, group training classes that combine conventional bodyweight and calisthenic exercises with interval and resistance training. Just like any sort of workout program, the variation in styles of fitness boot camps is almost endless but is made to push the participants harder and farther than they'd go on their own.

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Most classes include 4 to 8 months and participants typically find themselves running plenty of sprints, doing what seem to be endless push-ups, and participating in a huge array of interval and plyometric training with rare or brief periods of rest between them. This type of fitness routine is definitely not for everybody, but they've gained popularity because they offer you unique, low-cost, and efficient exercises.

Not all coaches and participants are intended for each other and it's necessary to select one that you feel comfy with. In addition, try to meet the others who will take the course with you since these people will provide support and motivation during the workouts, and knowing that you all share similar goals will be beneficial to everyone.