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best dance lessons

How To Get The Best Health Benefits From Dance Lessons?

Attain good health doesn't have to mean sweating at the gym. There are many fun ways to get fit. One way you can get your body moving and have a little fun doing it is by taking dance lessons. There are many health benefits to finding the beat. You can also get the best tap dance lessons in Vaughan.

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Calorie Burner

With every move you make, you burn calories. As you sway to the music you can burn anywhere from five to 10 calories per minute. The total amount of energy burned, of course, depends on how long and how fast you move. In addition to getting rid of the fat, you are building stamina. This allows you to twirl and groove longer and burn even more fat.

Stronger Bones and Joints

Dance lessons also help strengthen your bones. When you regularly move to the music and get your body active, you are promoting the absorption of minerals into the bones. This helps to protect against the damaging effects of osteoporosis. In post-menopausal women, dancing can be used as a treatment for those with early onset of bone disease by promoting the absorption of calcium, which often stops after estrogen levels drop.

Balance and Coordination

You may think you have great balance, but until you've learned to balance yourself in several different positions, you can't say that you do. It's a difficult task to get your body to master the intricate positions, and your body compensates by strengthening the areas that are most needed. Your stabilizer muscles are strengthened in order to protect your core.