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best Cybersecurity Services

Tips to Enforce The Cybersecurity of Your Company

If you work at a company that uses digital software, then you're at risk of suffering a breach. That might seem like a dramatic statement, especially for business owners that think that investing some money in cybersecurity should be enough to keep attacks at bay. However, we're living in trying times. Last year, US companies suffered 1,244 data breaches that exposed 446.5 million records, more than double when compared with 2017.

When it comes to security, no one is completely safe from attacks. Companies of all sizes are prone to attacks, especially small businesses that often lack the necessary measures to prevent their data from being stolen. That's why so many of them are coming to terms with this reality and hiring cybersecurity services to enforce their digital environments. 

Getting in touch with nearshore cybersecurity companies such as is a suggestion you should also follow if you want to step up your company's security game. Yet, there are other things you can do right now to keep attackers at bay and reduce the chances of being breached. Here are tips you should definitely follow.

1 – Train your employees

The first step you should take is having a security plan in place that puts the training of all your staff at its core. That's because recent research shows that close to 40% of senior executives and small business owners say that "employee negligence or accidental loss was the root cause of their most recent data security breach". So, training your employees in cybersecurity's best practices should be at the top of your priority list. 

2 – Install zero trust networks

The zero trust model makes sure that everyone using your network is strictly identified and each device is verified before granting them access. That sort of control is carried out regardless of the user's location in relation to the network perimeter. Doing that limits the user's access to different portions of the network which, in turn, reduces the chances for a hacker to gain access to secure content or sensitive data.

3 – Keep everything updated

If the breach can teach you anything, that has to be the importance of keeping everything updated to the latest available version. Every asset of your digital environment (including desktop computers, mobile devices, and laptops) should be running their latest operating systems and working with the latest versions of every software installed.