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abstract wall art

Abstract Canvas Paintings and Wall Art

It can be a labour of love to collect abstract wall art and canvas paintings. Abstract paintings are my favourite. Gouache is my favourite medium. Oscar Bluemner was the artist I purchased recently. I was given the abstract painting by a person who had kept it in storage for more than twenty years.

The composition was very soothing to me. The back of the painting was signed by the artist. Although it was out of my budget, I purchased it anyway. You can also purchase these conceptual canvas wall designs at reasonable prices.

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Trade Winds is the name I gave to an abstract canvas painting that Joanne Riddle gifted me while I was in Connecticut. It was enormous and had to be shipped by freight to my house. The painting's blue was so vivid. The entire composition was truly inspired. 

Last year, I purchased an abstract painting for my sister in law. Leonardo Nierman was the artist and oil was his medium. I purchased the piece unframed, and my sister-in-law took it to a framer for her to pick the frame.

I tried to buy an abstraction painting from the mayor in my town. For the modernist abstract colourful figure, I offered him two thousand dollars. The artist used red, blue, and white colours and I wanted it to be mine for my stepmother.