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About safe product owner

All About Safe Product Owner

The Product Owner is a member of the Agile Team responsible for defining Stories and prioritizing the Team Backlog to streamline the execution of program priorities while maintaining the conceptual and technical integrity of the Features or components for the team.

The PO has a significant role in maximizing the value produced by the team and ensuring Stories meet the user's needs and comply with the Definition of Done. You can get more knowledge about safe product owners and their responsibilities from different internet sources.

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The PO fulfills the following duties:

Participation and preparation: In the PI planning process as a part of the expanded Product Management team, the PO is extensively involved in refinement of the program backlog and preparation to prepare for Program Increment planning as well as playing a key role in the planning process in itself. 

Iteration Execution: Maintaining the backlog of the team In collaboration with Engineers, architects and other stakeholders The PO has primary responsibility in creating, editing, and maintaining the backlog of the team. The backlog consists mostly of reports from users, the backlog also contains enablers and defects.

Program Execution: The Agile team and iterations serve a bigger goal; the regular consistent, reliable publication of value-added solutions. In each PI PO, the PO coordinates the dependencies of other POs.

Content Authority: SAFe utilizes a range of artifacts, such as Stories, Features, Non-Functional Requirements, design artifacts, etc in order to aid the ART in the creation of the solution. The Team and Program Backlog determine the priority of these tasks.