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4k video camcorder

Production Tips : Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera

-Consider using a mono microphone for capturing audio recordings. Not only will this produce cleaner audio, but it will also save you time in post-processing.

-When composing footage, try to think outside the box and use your Pocket Cinema Camera's  from wide range of shooting options to create unique shots that would be difficult or impossible to achieve with other camera types.

-When filming in low light conditions, remember to increase the ISO setting on your Pocket Cinema Camera so that footage looks grainy but still maintains detail. Alternatively, use a flash unit to supplement light levels.

-For more creative effects, consider using software such as DaVinci Resolve or Adobe Premiere Pro to edit the footage later on. This will give you greater control over color grading and special effects and ensure that your movies are visually stunning.

-To help you work more quickly, invest in a second SD memory card so that you can use two cards simultaneously. This is especially useful when filming in multiple locations, or shooting video files at the same time.

-As well as storing footage on each memory card, it is also possible to edit files directly from the camera itself. The editing functions allow users to trim sections of footage and add effects such as filters and transitions.

-For recording high-quality audio with your movies, consider using the built-in mics rather than using external microphones for better sound quality.

-When you do the record with an external mic, make sure that the cable is long enough so that it does not distort during playback.