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Restore Your Smile With Dental Veneers

For people who are unhappy with the appearance of their teeth, dental veneers offer a relatively simple solution to a variety of dental problems such as misshapen or unevenly shaped teeth, crooked, chipped, stained teeth, and uneven spaces or gaps between teeth. Whether your teeth are naturally imperfect or you have had an injury, you need not put up with these problems.

What are veneers?

Dental veneers are a popular cosmetic dentistry option. They are made of very thin, shell-like material whose color resembles that of natural teeth. The veneers are glued onto the surface of the teeth to change the shape, color, size, and length of the teeth to improve their appearance.

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Lombard Dentist Answers 7 Common Questions About Dental Veneers Dental Care of Lombard

The dentist takes an impression of your tooth or teeth and has your veneers custom-made in a dental laboratory to fit your teeth.

Typically, the veneers are made with either composite resin or porcelain. Both are glued to the teeth using resin cement. Generally, porcelain veneers have a better stain resistance and light-reflecting quality. Those made with resin, on the other hand, are thinner and require less enamel to be removed from a tooth to bond with it. Whichever material is used, the results are irreversible, which means that the veneers are bonded onto the teeth strongly and cannot be removed.

The most recent types of veneers are minimally invasive, meaning they do not require the removal of the enamel to bond with the teeth. They cover the problem areas without interfering with the structure of the tooth while offering equally lasting results.