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Major Advantages Of Metal Roofing From Barrie For Your Log Cabin

Metal roofing can make a rustic log cabin look great. This is a great choice for your cabin because of the durability and range of metal roofing materials. 

A well-built, properly installed metal roof will last almost a lifetime. Metal roofing is becoming more common as people realize its versatility, beauty, and recyclability.

Metal roofing from is stronger than any other type of roofing material. A metal roof can be guaranteed for 50 years. Metal is able to withstand extreme weather conditions, making it a great choice for those who live in harsher climates. Metal roofs are resistant to hail, storms, and blizzards.

Metal roofing costs are much more expensive than other roofing materials. The metal roof is a better investment when you consider the lifetime of metal. Consider the labor and materials required to replace a traditional roof once every 15 years compared to every 60 years.

Metal roofing comes in many styles and colors. There is a metal roof that will match any type of cabin, no matter its design or color. Metal roofs can withstand fading. However, older roofs may show a beautiful patina. Metal roofing paint today can keep over 80 percent of its color for 20 years.

Many metal roofing companies make use of high-quality recycled materials. Metal has the advantage of being able to be reused rather than adding to landfills.

A metal roof has a significant advantage: it is fireproof. This is important for cabins that have fireplaces or wood stoves. Sparks from the chimney won't ignite your roof, no matter how dry it is.