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Important Tips From Prevention of Virus and Flu

What is swine influenza? Based on Wikipedia, it’s a respiratory disease affecting animals and humans which results from type (A) flu virus. This is the first time such a strain has surfaced, which means it is unclear just how lethal it is.

The victims in the United States have regained, while there are more than 100 deaths in Mexico. Swine influenza spreads by touching objects and then touching the nose or the mouth, and also through coughing or sneezing. 

Be aware that It does not spread like the Sars virus, the swine influenza virus could also be transmitted by an infected person. It’s possible to prevent yourself by taking some precautions like regularly washing hands, use an effective flu mask when in contact with another person. You can get to know about the best personalized face mask through various online sources.

face protection mask

Currently, health police said two drugs commonly used in the treatment of influenza – oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza), appear to be effective at treating cases that have occurred thus far. 

However, the medication has to be supplied at an early period. An infected person should recover if treated in just 48 hours using drugs. The perfect method before it expires to contain the spread will be also to practice good hygiene and also really to see a doctor when symptoms show up.

Firstly protect yourself and your Nearest and Dearest by knowing the Signs of Swine-flu:

  • High fever (above 38°C)

  • Chills, body aches, sore throat

  • Cough

  • Runny Nose

  • Headache

  • Patients can experience breathlessness a Couple of Days later

Concern a physician immediately in the event when you have some indications above.