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How To Buy An Oriental Rug

This is always a fantastic place to start if one is contemplating a purchase as only this information alone provides 1 caution and insight into what one is searching for. Since people always prefer Oriental, a handwoven rug, made from cotton, silk, or wool. You can also buy oriental weaver area rugs online or custom rugs.

The earliest complete carpet found in recent times was discovered in 1949. It had been frozen in permafrost for more than 2500 years! You may find it depicted in front of just about any rug publication in living colour.

Oriental rugs aren't made in america although we do create many machine-made copies. These would be categorized as "Oriental layout" rugs.

A typical 9 x 12 handwoven carpet requires a minimum of 3000 hours of weaving, to say nothing of the time spent on the design, spinning of the yarn and the setup of the loom.

All Persian rugs are Oriental rugs although not all Oriental carpets are Persian rugs. Probably the main reason for this classification is how the Persian weavers of the past were always leaders in quality and design. Proof of this is seen in any significant museum in the world and is evidenced most extensively by the fact that nearly all designs even now, were originated from Persian weavers.