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Find Difference Employers For Your Business

There are a variety of skills that employers look for in a customer service representative. Here are five of the most important: 

  • Oral And Written Communication Skills

  • Customer service representatives need to be able to communicate effectively with customers, both orally and in writing. They need to be able to listen carefully and articulate what the customer is saying, and they should be able to write clear and concise explanations of company policies or product features.

  • Problem-solving skills

  • In order to provide quality customer service, reps must be able to solve problems quickly and efficiently. Market analyst job descriptions should be able to identify the source of the problem and come up with a solution that satisfies both the customer and the company's policies.

market analyst job description

  • Time Management Skills

  • Given that customer service reps are often required to work long hours, it's important that they have good time management skills. 

  • Social Networking Skills

  • Customer service reps must be comfortable working with other people, whether that means interacting via email or social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook.

If you want to become a customer service rep – or are considering a switch from another career – we can help you find a customer service training program at your local community college or vocational school. A few minutes on our website can provide you with all of the information you need to make an ETS-approved training program selection.