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Easy Ways To Save Electricity

Many people want to find ways to reduce their household electric consumption because of the high costs of electricity today. There are many ways that we can use to cut down electricity consumption. 

Many people want to find ways to reduce their household electric consumption because of the high costs of electricity today. If you want to save the electricity then you may check out

Easy and Simple Ways to Save Electricity Bill during Winter

There are many simple common-sense measures that can be taken to save electricity. Regularly replacing filters on heating and air conditioning units can save a lot of electricity and save on maintenance costs.

Some other simple ways to save power :

Replace all incandescent bulbs with Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFL).

Large CFL lamp light power saving compared to incandescent bulbs.

– Save Power Gadgets

Using this power-saving gadget for monitoring the power supply. This will give you a good measure of the electricity needed.

– Home use tool

Turn off lights, air conditioners, heaters, computers or appliances after each use. Some people have a habit of leaving the lights on even when they are not in the room. 

You can only build your own homemade wind generator to save electricity. This sounds difficult but it is not. The parts are easily available everywhere. All we need is a few simple tools, a good guide and weekends to complete a homemade wind generator.

How to save electricity with a homemade wind generator?

Wind generators will harness wind power and wind energy can be converted into useful electrical energy to run your home appliances. You can even store the power generated for later use. 

With the help of a homemade wind generator, we can reduce at least 80% of your electricity bill or even eliminate it completely.