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Different Types For Event Catering Services

Catering services vary from time to time. Here are some of the most popular types of catering services:

Served, placed on each guest – This is public service at every hotel. Each plate is arranged by the chef in the kitchen and distributed to guests. They are served one after another around each table. You can hire Something for Catering for all types of catering services. 

Table Serving– This is a catering service that offers warmth and generosity. This is a mini-buffet service with lots of groceries on the table so guests can pass and share.

Russian service – Each guest receives an attractive dining tray. This is a unique and exclusive form of service that conveys to make feel comfortable.

French Service – This is a very high-quality official presentation that is usually seen at really formal banquets and very delicious dining events. The waiters serve from the tray on the guest plate, followed by other waiters who add sauce to the selection.

Traditional buffet – There are various types of buffets. The appearance and visual style of a buffet vary from several different tables glued to the food to the style in which each dish is served.

Standard Cocktail Party – This is a standard cocktail party with drinks and appetizers sent from the front door and employees working on search coats.

Open House – This type of catering service provides all meals at all times because guests are expected to come and go throughout the party.